Box Salma
- Purple velvet prayer rug ( 110 x 70cm)
- The noble Quran: Amma chapter
- Book: Wedding celebrations: Here is the first series of questions relating to the judgments made on the customs and traditions inveterate in Algerian wedding celebrations.Given the number of fatwas which continues to increase, and which relate to marriage, its preliminaries and its customs, we have seen fit to add to this epistle a third series of questions which have a close relationship with this subject. .
- Book: 20 valuable advice to my sister before her marriage: The success of married life depends on perfect knowledge of its reality and the firm commitment of both spouses to this union. Thus, the Muslim woman must know certain ethics, moral values and recommendations with which she must adorn and characterize herself.
Books can be modified while keeping the same theme.
- 2 musk
- Gift wrap