Aicha the beloved of the prophet
She is the mother of believers and the tenderly cherished wife of our beloved, the Prophet. She dedicated her life to recording the teachings, actions and reactions of the Messenger of Allah and she faithfully transmitted all this knowledge to the community. In his biographical encyclopedia siyar a'lâm an-nubalâ '(book in 23 volumes), Imâm Adh-Dhahabî gave this testimony: "I do not know in the community of Muhammad, nor among women in an absolute way, a woman more versed in 'ilm (sacred science) than she ".
When she was the victim of a slanderous association in her honor, it was Allah Himself who undertook to defend her by revealing to His Prophet Koranic verses extolling her chastity and threatening the authors of the calumny with punishment. terrible. (Read sura an-nûr (S.24) from verse 11: [Those who spread slander are a group of you ...] until verse 26). Allah rewarded her in this world before the Hereafter by recovering the soul of her envoy as her noble head rested tenderly on the neck of 'A'isha may Allah be pleased with her and by burying her in the bedroom of it and nowhere else.
Can we find the right words to describe the merits of our mother 'A'isha? An Andalusian moralist of the thirteenth of the century, named Ibn Bahîj, had the superb idea of praising her merits and defending her with this very beautiful poem which we translated, with the help of Allah for our dear readers and readers. It is truly eloquent, consistent and refined, and it has won over eminent scholars, both ancient and contemporary.
When she was the victim of a slanderous association in her honor, it was Allah Himself who undertook to defend her by revealing to His Prophet Koranic verses extolling her chastity and threatening the authors of the calumny with punishment. terrible. (Read sura an-nûr (S.24) from verse 11: [Those who spread slander are a group of you ...] until verse 26). Allah rewarded her in this world before the Hereafter by recovering the soul of her envoy as her noble head rested tenderly on the neck of 'A'isha may Allah be pleased with her and by burying her in the bedroom of it and nowhere else.
Can we find the right words to describe the merits of our mother 'A'isha? An Andalusian moralist of the thirteenth of the century, named Ibn Bahîj, had the superb idea of praising her merits and defending her with this very beautiful poem which we translated, with the help of Allah for our dear readers and readers. It is truly eloquent, consistent and refined, and it has won over eminent scholars, both ancient and contemporary.