Righteousness in the religion of Allah – The Most High – is a subject of the utmost importance, it is linked to the happiness of the servant (of Allah) in this world and in the Hereafter.
Definition of righteousness:
What then is this righteousness... in question?
Here is how it was explained by the pious predecessors:
– Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “(i.e.), righteousness in commandments and prohibitions.”
– Another (than him) said: “Let no man be cunning like a fox. »
– 'Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Righteousness is to be sincere in worshiping Allah. »
And certainly, all these explanations come together on the fact that righteousness means moderation on the command of Allah and His Messenger, between extremism and laxity, between exaggeration and carelessness, hence the mention of righteousness; and the right path, means the path of moderation.