Secrets of Prayer According to Ibn Qayim Al Jawziya
Secrets of Prayer According to Ibn Qayim Al Jawziya:
We all know that prayer is a pillar of Islam whose neglect risks nullifying other works; it is also the pillar that distinguishes the believer from the non-believer, it is also the act which daily binds the believer to his Lord, which is to say the importance of it.
Considering the importance, scholars have consecrated writings dealing with the exterior and interior aspects of prayer. This is the case of Ibn Qayim al-Jawziya who deals mainly with the inner aspect, highlighting a number of subtleties which are often beyond the common believer's.
The author compares the flavor of practicing prayer with that of listening to music and reveals the positive effects of one and the negative of the other on the heart.
In short, the purpose of this epistle is to perfect the interior aspect and thus contribute to perfecting prayer as a whole.
The author brings me a multitude of secrets concerning prayer, here are the four main themes:
- The comparison between the taste of hearing (music) and the taste of prayer and the Qur'an
- Secret, spirit and essence of prayer
- The difference between people who listen to poetry set to music and people of prayer.
- Indication of a subtle point about hearing